I base my writing, like my life, on a set of positive social values that I have compiled down through the years. They are not original with me but come from the observations I have made of the people with whom I have been acquainted. It seems to me that if men chose to live according to them, peace, love, and mutual helpfulness just might break out and save humanity from the violent, revenge-based, road to self destruction on which it now finds itself (old guys can say things like that!). Let me list some of them here for you to think about. When we write, like when we live, we demonstrate our basic values at almost every turn. I'm sure you will find these liberally sprinkled among the close to eight million words I have committed to print. It has always been important to me to ferret out the values of the writers I read. I hope you do the same.
These values are arranged in pairs – the positive (which, when regularly modeled in homes, help raise well adjusted, trouble-proofed children) and the negative (which lead to hurtful, maladjusted, misfits and contribute to social turmoil).
Trouble-proofed (positive)
Trouble-prone (negative)
Logical problem solving rather than physical techniques aggression
Cooperative rather than an unbridled competitive approach to life
Ability to delay gratification rather than the need for immediate gratification
A save and pay as you go approach rather than irresponsible spend & credit approach
Respect for all property rather than lack of respect for others' property
Reverence and respect for life rather than disregard for life
Fair treatment and honesty rather than deceit and dishonesty
Earning what you need and want rather than merely taking it
Law-abiding behavior rather than law slipping (disobeying or ignoring)
Democratic approach rather than dictatorial, strong-arm approach
Positive value-based open mindedness rather than belief in absolute right and wrong
Altruism rather than selfishness
Accurately informed decision rather than uninformed making or lore-based
Finding happiness through integrity rather than seeking it through stuff, status, or power
Planning ahead rather than Monday morning quarter-backing
Youngsters having adult confidantes rather than only having peer confidantes
Being known by ones good reputation rather than trying to be known as a somebody at
any cost
Knowing one is a worthy being rather than having to keep trying to prove one is a
worthy being
Kind-hearted rather than inconsiderate or otherwise hurtful
A user of precise language rather than imprecise language
Health and fitness awareness rather than health and fitness unawareness
Cause and effect filer rather than an observation/correlation filer
Analytic participation rather than heedless/unthoughtful participation
Purposefully organized living style rather than a chaotic/ haphazard living style
Peer plus family social orientation rather than peer-only social orientation
From my book, Trouble-Proofing Kids: a guide for parents, in which they are discussed in greater depth. The book The Weaving of Lelonia, posits an idealic society based in these values. SEE BOOK PAGE.